Cacti & Mountains

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Cheat Fest!

Turns out the way you approach Cheat Fest hasn't changed much since college. Step 1: Leave town early so you can get a good camping spot. Step 2: Open a beer early to make tent set up easy and fun! You get the idea. We knew it was going to be a good day when we arrived and found a private little music scene down by the river, away from all the action. So peaceful and lovely by the water. This is why we live in West Virginia. 

Not only great live music, and a whole slew of boaters, but also some really great hand-crafted goods

I love, love, love all these bright-colored kids clothes and animals. Apparently I was about the 70th person to say I wish I had a baby to go with these clothes . . .  

Don't these make you want to go straight to the Pacific Northwest? 

Kids got to paint this boat however they wanted. And have someone else paint their faces.

Keith McManus, aka Mac Daddy, was the MC and the leader of the kids parade. All the more hilarious because I've known Keith since childhood. He also single-handedly ensured that the tables I made in my college sculpture class actually function. Let's just say I did not inherit my father's wood-working skills.

Far and away my favorite art booth was this lovely collection by Adam Waddell. I really could have taken one of everything.

That's right. Those are teeth.

And you know I couldn't leave without procuring that cactus. Sadly, it suffered a slight injury and is now in two pieces. Hoping that will become part of its charm once I lay hands on my super glue.

The fun continued into the night, but I had to leave my camera in the car for that part. Because, dancing.